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CareGuide - Your guide through care

Blog Section

Determination of Care Levels by the MDK

16.05 2024

The determination of care levels by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) is a crucial step in the process of applying for care ...

The importance of a living will: self-determination in medical matters

21.06 2024

A living will is a document that specifies in advance which medical treatments a person wants or rejects in the event of their own incapacity to ...

The Carebox - Customized Care Aids for Your Home

25.04 2024

The Carebox offers a tailored solution to the needs of those requiring care by delivering a variety of care and aid products directly to their ...

Applying for a care degree: a guide for relatives

08.05 2024

An important step for those in need of care and their relatives is applying for a care level according to § 40 SGB XI. This care level determines ...